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American Communist Party publishes party program

The American Communist Party – the successor to the now defunct Democratic Party wing known as CPUSA – held its first convention in Chicago over the weekend where the party program and constitution were announced and ratified.

That program is presented in its entirety here:

The Program of the American Communist Party

As adopted on October 12, 2024 – the living document, which may change over time, can be found on ACP’s website.

Cancellation of all Debts

The Communist Party stands for freeing the American people of all private and public debt through the enactment of a Debt Jubilee.

Abolition of the Federal Reserve, Establishment of a People’s National Bank

The Communist Party stands for abolishing the Federal Reserve, the establishment of a People’s National Bank, and the re-denomination of the national currency.

Economic Bill of Rights

The Communist Party stands for the adoption of an Economic Bill of Rights guaranteeing every American citizen a right to employment in productive industry, a living wage, a decent home, medical care, child care, social security, and quality education.

Land, Agricultural, and Housing Reform

The Communist Party stands for the abolition of corporate monopolization of the land and resources of the nation, the prohibition of parasitic land speculation, the establishment of state, municipal, and cooperative ownership of all land, and contractual usage rights for enterprises, families, and individuals.

The Communist Party stands for the protection of the rights of farmers and the large-scale construction of public agricultural infrastructure backed by state credit.

The Communist Party stands for an immediate moratorium on the use of GMOs and harmful pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides in agriculture, pending comprehensive public investigation by a People’s Health Commision, which is to be outside of the influence of corporate monopolies. The Communist Party stands for severe personal penalties for introducing harmful substances into the food and water supply.

The Communist Party stands for the abolition of speculation in real estate and housing property and the dispossession of all slumlords without compensation.

The Communist Party stands for the nationalization, restructuring, and repurposing of all large-scale commercial real estate, development, and construction companies into State-Owned Enterprises.

National Industrial Policy

The Communist Party stands for the nationalization, restructuring, and conversion of all large-scale strategic industries into State-Owned Enterprises.

The Communist Party stands for the promotion and development of advanced technology sectors such as high-tech manufacturing, computing, and artificial intelligence (AI).

Energy and Infrastructure Policy

The Communist Party stands for the rapid and comprehensive development of all viable energy technologies — including nuclear fusion technologies — and for the construction of new cities across America connected by high-speed rail.

The Communist Party stands for the wholesale nationalization of the energy sector

The Communist Party stands for the nationalization of the telecommunications industry and the implementation and expansion of high-speed network infrastructure throughout America.

Healthcare and Education Reform

The Communist Party stands for the nationalization, restructuring, and conversion of pharmaceutical companies into State-Owned Enterprises with the mandate to cure diseases rather than profit from them, the elimination of the private healthcare consultant industry, the seizure of all databases from health insurance companies and integration of state health databases into a National Healthcare System, and the wholesale eradication of the private insurance industry.

The Communist Party stands for the adoption of public health programs and initiatives promoting preventive and holistic care, physical exercise and fitness campaigns on a national scale, and the construction of new healthcare facilities in rural areas.

The Communist Party stands for the right to refuse medical interventions and for the abolition of all blanket indemnifications of corporate liability for medical injuries.

The Communist Party stands for the comprehensive reform of public schooling on the basis of acquiring practical knowledge, technical skill, and core social values.

The Communist Party stands for the abolition of the University-Industrial Complex and the creation of a nation-wide network of subsidized and cost-free trade schools and community colleges, along with the streamlining and optimization of STEM education and training in emergent technologies.

Social Media Reform

The Communist Party stands for the breakup and nationalization of social media monopolies and the expansion of First Amendment speech protections to all social media platforms owned or subsidized by the State.

The Communist Party stands for the right of individuals to monitor, correct, and erase data collected about them by Internet services and for severe penalties when these services fail to minimize and protect sensitive data. The Communist Party stands for the promotion of healthy, positive, and family-oriented trends online.

Standardization of Weights & Measures

The Communist Party stands for the universal implementation of metrication.

Abolition of Intellectual Property

The Communist Party stands for the abolition of all software patents and IP-based software monopolies in favor of a universal paradigm of open-source software technology.

The Communist Party stands for the wholesale dismantling and investigation into the corrupt and criminal practices of the entertainment and music industries, including the prosecution of major heads of media and record labels.

The Communist Party stands for the universal and free access to all published scientific, cultural, and academic materials.

Accelerate the Fourth Industrial Revolution

The Communist Party stands for the establishment of a state, municipal, and cooperative enterprise system that operates according to socially-governed principles of the modern information economy rather than profit.

The Communist Party stands for the large-scale implementation of cybernetic technologies across the whole economy and the implementation of AI-driven national economic planning with the express aims of advancing national development, reducing the work week and laboring years, and improving objective indexes of general quality of life and happiness.

Creation of a Public Works and Service Army

The Communist Party stands for the conversion of the U.S. Military into a Public Works and Service Army for the nationwide deployment of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The Public Works and Service Army will rebuild, repair, and improve public infrastructure and mobilize to provide relief from environmental disasters, renovate small communities, and construct large-scale public works.

Establishment of a People’s Militia

The Communist Party stands for the establishment of People’s Militias to safeguard internal and domestic security and replace all police and law-enforcement bodies.

The Communist Party stands for the promotion of civil training in responsible use, handling, and repair of firearms and other modern weaponry.

The Communist Party stands for the implementation of compulsory military training by all citizens in People’s Militias and the adoption of Popular Self Defense as the supreme principle of the armed body of the State.

Dismantling of U.S. Imperialism

The Communist Party stands for the immediate closure of all overseas military bases, the unconditional destruction of NATO, and the elimination of transnational financial institutions such as the IMF in favor of sovereign economic agreements and win-win cooperation.

The Communist Party stands for the wholesale abolition of the Military-Industrial Complex, the elimination of all Three-Letter Agencies (CIA, NSA, FBI, etc), the immediate and unequivocal halt to all foreign military aid, the wholesale eradication of U.S.-led global intelligence networks, and the closure of all U.S.-based global NGOs which serve imperialism.

The Communist Party is committed to the principle of the Right to the Self-Determination of Nations; to joining of new, multilateral global institutions; to global peace through joint development initiatives; and to the conversion from an offensive to a strictly defensive military posture.

The Communist Party stands for the publication of all secret treaties and agreements, the exposure of all trafficking rings and criminal networks linked to U.S. intelligence networks, politicians, and corporate entities and for the merciless public prosecution of those complicit in crimes against the American people.

The Communist Party stands for the investigation and criminal prosecution of corporate and foreign lobbies with a proven deleterious effect on the American public.

Ending Mass Immigration and Modern Slavery

The Communist Party stands for the immediate end to the system promoting mass immigration and its replacement with bilateral frameworks for the negotiation of population exchanges on a rational and planned basis.

Abolition of the Drug Trade and Criminal Enterprises

The Communist Party stands for the elimination of all drug-trafficking cartels, gangs, and other forms of criminal enterprises and for the exposure and prosecution of those criminal networks with ties to intelligence agencies.

The Communist Party stands for the wholesale abolition of the sex industry, including prostitution and pornography.

The Communist Party stands for the elimination of gambling industries and other socially harmful vices cultivated by capitalism.

The Communist Party stands for the swift and merciless prosecution of criminals who terrorize American communities and families.

Promotion of American Civilization

The Communist Party stands for the cultivation and discovery of a national-continental American culture on the basis of the unique history, geography, and ethnic makeup of the American peoples.

The Communist Party stands for the promotion of language, autonomy, economic development and culture of American tribes.

The Communist Party stands for the construction of a unified American historical, national, and cultural identity to overcome all racial and social antagonisms.

Reconstitution of the United States of America Into One United Republic

The Communist Party stands for a unicameral Continental People’s Congress, the subjugation of the judiciary by the legislature, and the adoption of a standardized and universal American Civil Code.

The Communist Party stands for the decentralization of day-to-day administration and governance not enumerated by the American Civil Code to municipal, local, and cooperative authorities.

The Communist Party stands for the re-delimitation of state territories into regions formed on the basis of historical, geographical, and ethnic considerations.

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